
CFC SC Trainer Forum

Page history last edited by Sarah Nichols 6 years, 1 month ago



CFC Service Coordination Trainer Forum

Building Partnerships as we Prepare and Support Service Coordinators



The CFC SC Trainer Forum is intended for individuals who have a role in providing training and technical assistance to service coordinators.  This may include CFC Program Managers, Assistant Program Managers, Lead Service Coordinators, Technical Assistance Providers and anyone else at the local level who has a responsibility to help prepare new and existing service coordinators in their important role.  Members of the CFC Forum can connect via quarterly web meetings or via this workspace.  If you would like to become a member of this group please click here to send us a message with your name, email and role in preparing/supporting service coordinators.

Contact List 

This page includes the group's contact list.  If you are new to the group, please visit this page to add your contact information.

Meeting Information

This page includes all the information you will need to participate in upcoming meetings.  It is also the place where you will find meeting agendas and access meeting notes from meetings that have already occurred.

Topics of Interest 

This page includes resources on a variety of topics that have been identified as an area of interest by group members such as Transition, Child Outcomes, Preparing New Hires, Assistive Technology, etc.


This page includes general resources that can be used to prepare and support new and existing service coordinators.  Group members are encouraged to visit this page and add resources and materials they have identified or developed.

Tips & Suggestions

This page includes favorite tips, lessons learned and suggestions group members would like to share as they work to prepare and support new and existing service coordinators.

Need Support?

This page is a place to seek support from group members if you would like help troubleshooting and/or problem-solving something as you prepare and support new and existing service coordinators.  

Need Technical Assistance?

This page provides information on where you can find technical assistance for a variety of things such as technical support for add new resources to this workspace and who to contact at the Early Intervention Training Program if you have questions about this group.



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